Othenin, Count of Montbéliard

Othenin (died 1338), called the Mad, was a Count of Montbéliard. He was the only son of Reginald of Burgundy. Othenin could not intervene in the affairs of the county because of his mentality. He was placed under the tutelage of his uncle, Hugh of Chalon. He lived in the reclusive Château de Montfaucon (Castle of Montfaucon), near Besançon, until his death. Othenin died in 1338. He was buried in the church of Saint-Maimbœuf Montbéliard. Henry I of Mountfacon was named his successor by the Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV.

Preceded by
Reginald of Burgundy
Count of Montbéliard
Succeeded by
Henry of Montfaucon